At Tyres & More, we understand that tyres are designed to endure a certain amount of wear from everyday use. However, there are some conditions that are better than others for their longevity -- as well as your safety. Like fitting your vehicle with the right tyres. Or avoiding damaging roads where possible. Maybe even avoiding driving habits that could shorten the lifespan of a tyre. And, of course, under-inflating the tyres themselves.

Here’s the Tyres & More guide on why under-inflated tyres are dangerous. 


Under-inflated tyres will not perform to the degree in which they are expected. This appears most prominently in the aspects of braking and road-holding. Insufficient internal air pressure means the tyre will not be able to carry a vehicle to the best of its ability. It also means an impaired ability to sustain common on-going forms of road wear such as punctures, permanent damage to the sidewalls, and may possibly even require the tyre’s subsequent replacement sooner than necessary. All in all, these compounding factors increases risk to the vehicle itself, and by extension those within the vehicle. 


Leading on from everything we’ve just learned about how under-inflation impacts performance, all this will obviously contribute to the tyre’s overall lifespan. More specifically, to the tyre’s reduced lifespan as a direct result of having an impaired ability to sustain on-going damage. Not only will the tyres wear down, but wear down in an uneven fashion. Generally, the rate of degradation will be higher around the edges. The sidewall flexes more than it should which heats up the tyres. 


Under-inflated tyres goes beyond failure of the vehicle. It’s basic driving psychology. If your vehicle is not performing as it should, it will be a distraction. And a distracted driver is objectively a dangerous driver, no matter how competent they may be. This is something Tyres & More has previously explored. There are already so many variables to consider every time you take to the road under the best of conditions. Why would you voluntarily add to the list of those variables with something so easily prevented?

The ideal air pressure

Maintaining the ideal air pressure in your tyres is crucial. Drivers must: 

  1. Know the recommended pressure (or refer to a reliable source of information regarding what air pressure their tyres should remain at); this can usually be found in a driver’s manual or on a placard attached to your vehicle

  2. Check the pressure actually holds upon inflation of the tyres, and 

  3. Match the pressure in each tyre (differing air pressures will increase strain). 

The right tyre pressure will lead to optimal performance, prevent premature tyre degradation, and of course, reduce on-road risk. 

How often should you check your tyres?

In an ideal world, tyres would be checked at least once every fortnight. But at the very least, it is recommended that tyre pressure is checked once a month. After all, tyres generally lose one to two PSI (pounds per square inch) in a given month. It is also important to remain vigilant on the visual condition of tyres. Regular inspections of the sidewall for cracks or gouges, piercings on the face of the tread, or any other abnormalities are things you should look out for.

Regular maintenance itself is non-negotiable when it comes to ensuring maximum road safety. This is not something you want to leave to negligence or chance. If you feel something is wrong -- or at the very least, not how it should be -- it is always worth checking in with the Tyres & More experts. 

Have any other questions or concerns about your car or car safety? Get in touch with your local Tyres & More store today - we’re more than happy to help!