“An optimist is a driver who thinks that empty space at the kerb won't have a hydrant beside it”. - Jules Renard

Our Top 10 Tips for Driver Safety

  1. Know your capabilities and your cars. You don’t stop learning how to drive

  2. Be Prepared. Always carry: A mobile phone. You can then phone for help, report a problem or let someone know a change in your plans. Always pull over to the side of the road when safe and turn off your vehicle before making a call or sending a text.  In some states it is illegal to pull over and have your car running. A first aid kit is also essential and could be useful in the event of an accident. These can be picked up from a Post Office or Chemist. But be sure to keep them stocked.  Keep a torch in the glove box for night-time emergencies and a small tool kit can be handy in the boot.   Your tyre pressure gauge should always be ready in the glove box. The vehicle owner's manual is also important to have around; for example if you needed to check jacking points.

  3. Communicate. Let someone know where you're travelling, and when you expect to arrive. Be careful where you park your car and try to ensure the location is well lit in a high traffic area at night.  Have your keys out and ready. 

  4. Don’t wave a red rag at a bull. Road rage is on the increase but don't be tempted to express anger by tooting, making rude gestures, yelling out the window or flashing your high beams. As well as being immature, it's asking for trouble!

  5. 'Tailgating' is dangerous and unnecessary, so don't do it. If someone is tailgating you, don't hit the brakes - get out of their way and let them be a nuisance somewhere else.

  6. Slow down in wet weather. Drive according to the conditions. The level of wet road grip of a tyre is related to the speed of the vehicle, the condition of the road, and the level of tyre wear. It's better to arrive late and alive than not at all.

  7. Wear a seatbelt at all times.  Wearing of seatbelts isn't just a legal requirement for all passengers in a car, it saves lives!

  8. Secure all items within your car's cabin. Unsecured items within the vehicle cabin can become lethal projectiles in the event of an accident. This includes family pets.

  9. Child Restraints.  Children should always be in approved child restraints appropriate to their age and size. It is law in all states of Australia. Details can be viewed here.

  10. Stop and check your vehicle if you notice any of the following while you are driving:a warning light on the dashboard remaining on, any unusual vibrations or noises, a high temperature reading on the temperature gauge, the vehicle wanders or steers to one side, unusual vehicle handling when braking.

Want to know more about drive and vehicle safety? Visit your local Tyres & More store.